With the new age of technology and the pace of development in today’s world, the accumulated energy is so great that no one person is able to release it all. But imagine if one could… to have all that collected wisdom – the discoveries, the inventions, the creations – it boggles the mind. However, what if... what if technology could release that power? What if the power in those words and works were available, in an instant, to all who sought it? Could it be that the questions of all time, the riddles and the puzzles are already solved if one only had all the known information?

So, I have come to some conclusions that are, of course, subject to change without notice. First, there is no “Harry Potter,” magic wand brand of magic. That leads to several other conclusions that are similar regarding witches, warlocks, vampires, alchemy and a host of the other “classical” views of magic. I could be wrong, but the evidence as I see it is overwhelmingly lacking. However, the term “magic” is subject to interpretation and with a sufficiently accommodating definition, magic is very real indeed. It operates continually and forever. It cannot be extinguished or exhausted.
It is pure power. The energy that goes into and flows from words, coded from thought, born of magic. Pure magic. Whether it is defined by the electro-chemical nerve impulses firing from one nerve to next one ad infinitum or the vastness of all we have yet to learn or the miraculous progress we have made in the last ten, 20, 50, 100 years, magic is present. And it all stems from a means of translating the energy from one to another – of conveying the power that we as humans possess alone – the transmission and storage of unlimited, unbridled and unimaginable power.
Welcome Back Mike.
It is really nice to be back myself even though I am only here a couple of days a week. I have always been a big fan of your blog and this entry has got to be one of my favorites. Thanks for the concern about Cheeba. She isn't better but the vet says that she shouldn't get any worse. She has some brain damage and we are all hoping that she will slowly maybe heal herself. If not the vet has insured us she is in no pain and just will need extra support in doing some things. Thanks for keepin up with your blog and mine.
But you can wish for it... I so wish for magic...
There is no power like the power of the word..thought..spoken..they come to pass...It is the magic wand of life...
As i get older I remind myself to be wary..to be resposible of my words..that everything I think...every intent..every dream..every desire....every affirmation..manifests itself in front of me...
It is no trickery..
When I first started blogging a couple of years and so ago..I wrote down people I wanted to meet...needs needing to be filled...dreams..goals and aspirations...
These people called me..appeared...One particularly thought ov'...spoke to me...my gawd!..after years and years and years and years of silence...a phone rings..a familiar voice...I stood there..just unbelieving what I was hearing...awesome..
and the little whispers of I want this project..I need this job..I'll have it..well..they're around me...
magic..oh' yes...my magic is real..and so is the magic of everyone else around me..if only they knew..how to use what they already have..
Harry Potter would be so envious!
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