This post serves two purposes. Actually three. First is to display some photographs of Colfax and its most prominent feature, the railroad. Second, to show off what my new camera is capable of. Although I can't be sure if I can do it yet, my plan is to upload these photos in all their high-resolution glory. If successful, you should be able to click them and be able to download an extremely high-resolution image.
Lastly, I just merged all of my blogs over to Blogger Beta. The technical difficulties that Blogger has been experiencing lately are mysteriously absent on the beta version... plus it is noticeably faster. Is it a leap of faith… or foolishness? Neither is beyond my purview, we'll see what the future holds.
And now, autumn in Colfax…

Mike--I LOVE the photos! You have a natural eye for composition. Each photo contains a composition that carries your eye around the entire photo; well done!
The first photo looks like it could be a movie still! I assume that Colfax is where you live? 'Looks like a lovely town--not too dissimilar to my hometown.
I'm looking forward to seeing more photos. Thanks for the invite!
Great photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude! You rock at photag!
*waves at Colfax* *sniffle* I miss you, Colfax!!
I finally had time to find the train!
Nice Hi-def shots you got here! You didn't give me the tracks idea, btw- great minds... wow- this makes 3 so far!
Fall n Tracks... Hmmm
Hi Michael. Thanks for dropping by my blog and sharing the link with me. You're right: our images seem to come from a very similar place. How nice to know that there's someone on the other side of the continent with a parallel view of the world whenever he picks up his camera.
Love the photos. I've had so much fun since getting my new camera in the spring. I still experiment a lot, as I don't understand some of the settings too well. Taking low light pics indoors has been my biggest challenge.
Absolutely love the pics of the railroad and tracks. I like the others as well but those really caught my eye.
NICE! I look forward to more...
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